Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Sock

Among my favorite things in the world is brown's inverted sock march at commencement. It is setup so that every graduating student/alum/faculty member/staff member marches past every other one once and is marched past by every other one once. i was wowed by this experience as a graduating senior and now as an alum. 40 year reunionites embrace 05's and 06's, students hug their teachers, eveyone applauds the seniors as they march through columns of alums to take their place as the most recent graduates. it was a real kavod to be able to cheer for folks i love as they finished their tenures as undergrads. what a wonderful moment of timeless community.
mazal tov to all the grads!


At 5/30/2006 , Blogger BZ said...

How does this work?

At 6/01/2006 , Blogger ZT said...

the alumni march through the gates and then split and line both sides of the sidewalk. when all the alumni have marched through the van wickle gates the grad studetns and seniors march through the assembled masses. when the reach the end of the alumni the seniors split to either side of the sidewalk, the alumni then march through the seniors and back up the hill. after the alumni are through the seniors go into the first baptists church in america which was built "for the publick worship of almighty god and to house commencement" back in 1775.


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